Privacy Notice

In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter the Law), BCT Legal, with main domicile located at Avenida Sierra Leona 360, piso 9, Villantigua, CP. 78214, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., based on articles 8, 15, 16, 33, 36 and other applicable provisions of the Law and its regulations regarding the right of every person to privacy and informational self-determination, make this Privacy Notice available to you.
Gathered data.
BCT Legal in its dealings with its clients, employees, interns, suppliers and third parties, process different personal data for the fulfillment of its obligations, being BCT Legal responsible for the use given to your personal data and the protection thereof and having technological and procedural means to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data.

BCT Legal, within its corporate purpose, includes among others the provision of legal advice and all kinds of legal activities before the public and private sector, performing the services required for said purpose and that are related thereto.
Purpose of personal data.
You are hereby informed that the activities of gathering, collection, use, storage, access and processing of personal data by BCT Legal will be subject to the Law, its Regulations and applicable general provisions; said data will be subject to the following purposes:
BCT Legal operation.
Exercising BCT Legal’s rights and offering its services as stated in its corporate purpose, being mainly, among others, provision of legal advice and all kinds of related services;
Signing and concluding contracts;
Data processing;
Conducting economic studies; statistical or internal control;
Payment management;
Issuing invoices and payment receipts;
Interbank wire transfers;
Evaluating service quality;
Carrying out statistical studies related to the service provided as well as to the work environment;
Personnel administration, including physical files, payment and administration of payroll, pensions, insurance and other benefits stated in the current Labor Law;
Assigning work tools, passwords, ensuring confidentiality obligations, verifying personal and work references, emergency contacts and conduct examinations of skills, knowledge and medical exams;
Carrying out the recruitment, selection and, where appropriate, hiring process of personnel or candidates to fill a vacancy or internship (administration and supply of personnel).
For our prospects and clients: we will collect your personal data and billing information, in order to provide the corresponding services and comply with the legal obligations arising from the respective commercial relationship.
Purpose of personal data treatment.
For the aforementioned purposes, BCT Legal collects personal data, which regarding clients, suppliers and third parties in general will include:

– Identification data: name, email, home and business address, place and date of birth, age, home and mobile phone number, current official IDs with picture, principal business, academic degree, marital status, Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), Unique Population Registration Code (CURP), signature, nationality, fingerprint.

– Billing Data: tax domicile and RFC; and

– Financial and equity data: assets, tax information, banking accounts, payment method.
Likewise, BCT Legal, for the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, collects personal data, which regarding employees and applicants for a vacancy or internship will include:

– Identification, academic and labor data.- name, email, private address, place and date of birth, age, home and mobile phone number, current official IDs with picture, education, academic degree, marital status, Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), Unique Population Registration Code (CURP), signature, nationality, fingerprint, social security affiliation, work history, result of work aptitudes, psychometric, IQ, work behavior and reliability examinations, electronic signature, military card, passport, family name, dependents and beneficiaries, photographs, language, recruitment and selection documents, training, work history, current job position, salaries, work address, work email and phone number, extracurricular activities, labor references, personal references, educational background, titles, professional license, certificates, letter of completion, academic qualifications, performance reports, progress of studies, acknowledgments, financial and wealth data (assets, tax information, banking accounts, insurance, afore, personal references).

Personal data is collected by BCT Legal; regarding clients, data is collected when they request BCT Legal to provide some of the services offered according to their corporate purpose; regarding suppliers, when they are contacted for the provision of services or acquisition of goods (regardless of whether or not the service is contracted or acquired), and regarding employees and/or interns, when a recruitment and selection process begins, and when they are hired to fill a vacancy or internship, data collected either by
telephone, email or when they personally visit our domicile, said data is used by BCT Legal in accordance with its rights for the operation of the Firm, facility security in BCT Legal’s domicile and in general regarding all services the Firm offers in legal matters in compliance with its corporate purpose.
Use and disclosure limits of personal data.
BCT Legal, when performing personnel management and internship activities, as well as in certain cases for the provision of services in legal matters, may collect personal data considered as sensitive, related to health conditions (medical history, allergies, diseases suffered or suffering, disabilities, results of medical examinations, medical records, psychological and/or psychiatric issues, consumption of toxic substances, blood type), for which the express written consent of the data holder for the treatment of such data will be obtained.

You are hereby informed that BCT Legal may use personal data for secondary purposes, such as: name, address, home and mobile phone number, email and other contact information, so that you can receive newsletters and information on the services and products that BCT Legal offers in accordance to its corporate purpose.

By providing information to BCT Legal by any means, you confirm that you agree with the terms of this Privacy Notice. If you do not agree with any term of the Privacy Notice, please do not provide any personal information. If you decide not to provide certain personal data to BCT Legal, you accept the possibility of not having access to the services provided by BCT Legal, you also agree that you will not be completing or complying with those processes in which such information is required, without generating liability for the latter.
Transference of data and treatment by third party.
In accordance with its corporate purpose, in its dealings with clients, suppliers, as well as for the provision of its services and when hiring personnel or admitting interns, BCT Legal may:

Assign personal data without the consent of the data holder in accordance with the provisions of article 37 of the Law, meaning, in cases allowed by laws or treaties in which Mexico is a party; assignment to companies of the same group of the person responsible, companies operating under the same internal processes and policies; when necessary by virtue of a contract concluded or to be concluded for the benefit of the data holder; when necessary or legally required for the administration of justice; for the acknowledgment, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process or to maintain or comply with the existing legal relationship between you and BCT Legal.

When any of the other BCT Legal offices in the country requires to use your personal data, you will be presented with the corresponding Privacy Notice of said office.
Audio, video y photography.
BCT Legal may record audios of its clients, suppliers, employees and applicants for vacancies or internships, regarding the relationship they maintain with BCT Legal, the services it provides, as well as for service quality purposes, therefore, you hereby accept and authorize BCT Legal to make such recordings.

Likewise, BCT Legal has video surveillance systems at the corporate domicile; therefore, if you enter the BCT Legal facilities you agree that you may be filmed and/or photographed, consenting that BCT Legal may use said recordings for security purposes of its facilities and of the people in it.

Finally, BCT Legal may take video and pictures of events related to its corporate purpose; therefore, you hereby accept that your still or moving image could be used by BCT Legal for promotional purposes, either in print and/or electronic media, as well as to use them as a reference of said events.
Safety measures.
Likewise, BCT Legal guarantees to you, that the Personal Data will be treated under administrative, technical and physical security measures provided by the Law or other special legislations, as appropriate according to the type of personal data in question and the treatment to which said data is subject, guaranteeing your confidentiality at all times, avoiding unauthorized access, damage, loss, alteration or destruction of your personal data.

Means to exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (ARCO Rights).
It is important to let you know that, according to the Law, you have rights of Access, Rectification and Cancellation regarding your personal data, as well as right to oppose the processing thereof or to revoke the consent that you have granted to BCT Legal for such purpose.

If you want to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition regarding personal data in possession of BCT Legal, you can do so by submitting your request in writing in the area of personal data designated for such purpose, located at Avenida Sierra Leona 360, piso 9, Villantigua, CP. 78214, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., or to the following address, provided that the data holder can be reliably identified through authentication mechanisms previously established by BCT Legal, you must also communicate via telephone to (444) 467 7925, in order to confirm that your email has been received correctly by BCT Legal. The personal data area will be receiving and processing the requests of the data holders regarding personal data held by BCT Legal. Hours for the reception of requests will be from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for the days considered as mandatory rest in accordance with current legislation or those stated by the provision of a competent authority.

BCT Legal will have a period of 20 (twenty) business days from the reception of the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of your personal data to answer with the resolution of the request electronically to the last email you provided or by phone to the last number you provided. If the request is applicable, it will be effective within 15 (fifteen) business days following the date on which said resolution was communicated. These terms may be extended only once and for an equal period, when applicable in accordance with the circumstances of each case. The delivery of information will proceed after the accreditation of your identity or your legal representative, as the case may be.

If you wish to revoke the consent granted for the processing of personal data by BCT Legal, you must inform it in writing through the BCT Legal personal data area, submitting your request in writing in the personal data area designated for such purpose at Avenida Sierra Leona 360, piso 9, Villantigua, CP. 78214, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., or to the following address:, provided that the data holder can be reliably identified through authentication mechanisms previously established by BCT Legal, you must also communicate via telephone to (444) 467 7925, in order to confirm that your email has been received correctly by BCT Legal. The personal data area will be receiving and processing the requests of the data holders regarding personal data held by BCT Legal. Hours for the reception of requests will be from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for the days considered as mandatory rest in accordance with current legislation or those stated by the provision of a competent authority.
If you wish to state your refusal to continue receiving communications from BCT Legal, you must inform it in writing through the BCT Legal personal data area, submitting your request in writing in the personal data area designated for such purpose, located at Avenida Sierra Leona 360, piso 9, Villantigua, CP. 78214, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., or to the following address, provided that the data holder can be reliably identified through authentication mechanisms previously established by BCT Legal, you must also communicate via telephone to (444) 467 7925, in order to confirm that your email has been received correctly by BCT Legal. The personal data area will be receiving and processing the requests of the data holders regarding personal data held by BCT Legal. Hours for the reception of requests will be from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for the days considered as mandatory rest in accordance with current legislation or those stated by the provision of a competent authority.

Written requests for access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, revocation of consent or refusal to continue receiving communications that you may exercise or submit must: (i) have your full name, (ii) be accompanied by the documents proving your identity and, as the case may be, the legal representation of whoever acts on your behalf and representation, (iii) indicate your address or email so that BCT Legal can inform you about the resolution to your request, (iv) describe clearly and precisely the data regarding which you submit your request and (v) refer any other document that facilitates the location of your personal data, and that, as the case may be, supports your request.

You have the right to go to the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection if you believe that your right to personal data protection has been violated.
Use of cookies and web beacons:
“Cookies” are small text files that web servers send to your computer, which serve to provide you with better attention regarding our products and/or services. Cookies of a session remember your activity on our website. Persistent cookies even make it possible to save your preferences during different sessions in which you visited our website, which allows us to customize, for example, the way in which said site makes available information you are interested in. Also, cookies can be used to prevent us from showing you notices, news and/or recommendations that may interest you, in accordance with your previous activities on our website.

Visit counters or “web beacons” are usually graphic images placed on a website and used to count the number of visitors to a website or may even allow access to some cookies. The use of web beacons on our website is intended to reflect statistics regarding the products and/or services that you are interested in. Said visit counters do not normally collect information other than information your browser provides us as a standard part of any internet browsing. If you chose the option to deactivate cookies in your internet browser, the visit counter will not be able to continue tracking your activity.

Some websites or applications on our website may use locally stored objects, such as Flash cookies or local storage with HTML5. These types of locally stored objects are used for purposes similar to those of cookies but can generally contain more data than browser cookies. You can modify the settings of your Flash player using the Configuration Manager in accordance with your preference for the storage of shared local objects, including deactivating shared local objects only for certain websites or completely deactivating the storage of shared local objects for all websites.

Most browsers allow you to disable or not the use of cookies. You can also delete cookies from your computer if your browser allows it. If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use certain parts of our website and it may be necessary to reinstall a rejection cookie. In any case, you will have various options on your computer to limit access to cookies and web beacons of our website.
Personal data department.
The personal data area of BCT Legal, regardless of the name appointed thereto, is located at Avenida Sierra Leona 360, piso 9, Villantigua, CP. 78214, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. and with the following email address
Changes to Privacy Notice.

BCT Legal reserves the right to modify this privacy notice at its sole discretion. If this notice is modified, BCT Legal will publish on: and at the corporate domicile of BCT Legal the new privacy notice, as well as through visible advertisements at our domicile and/or via email to the last email address you provided, please check your email often so you remain informed of any changes. Any substantial change hereto, unless resulting from a reform to the Mexican legal framework or an order from a competent authority, will be notified through the website: thirty calendar days before the corresponding modification becomes effective.

Main domicile of BCT Legal.
Avenida Sierra Leona 360, piso 9, Villantigua, CP. 78214, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.
Limitation of Liability Clause: BCT Legal is an alliance of law firms nationwide, operating under the same brand and providing coordinated professional services, having each firm its own operational process, no member can act as agent of any other allied firm and also cannot bind any other allied firm, and is only responsible for its own acts or omissions and not those of any other allied firm. This is only informative, therefore, no legal advice is provided herein.
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum.
+52 (444) 870 42 29
Avenida Sierra Leona 360, piso 9, Villantigua, C.P. 78214, San Luis Potosí; S.L.P.
Avenida Paseo Monte Miranda 17, Fracc. Monte Miranda, C.P. 76240, El Marqués, Qro.
Copyright @2022 BCT Legal.