Labor Law And Social Security

Labor Law And Social Security

Since its inception, BCT Legal has provided its clients with advice and care in labor matters, this practice has been consolidated to the extent that the firm currently has an unparalleled team of lawyers specialized in the discipline since they have solid specialized training, leadership forged with constant exercise before the corresponding labor legal instances throughout the country, we highlight the dynamism of the combination of youth with experience, but what characterizes us are the values that govern us and are our reason of being.

Thus, we provide legal support for companies in the labor field in the following branches:
From experience we know that a large part of the disputes generated by a company can be prevented through an effective and correct consultancy, therefore, the team of lawyers in labor matters actively participates in the decisions made by the corresponding areas of the company, providing alternatives.
Labor contracts
We prepare labor contracts for work or season, trial periods, or initial training, among others, as well as advise the company in the processes of termination of labor relations by the conclusion of these.
Internal regulations
The Internal Labor Regulations must be submitted to the Centro Federal de Conciliación y Registro Laboral for their correct validation. At BCT Legal we have a vast team specialized in the preparation of Internal Labor Regulations. From experience we know that it is one of the most important legal instruments that govern labor relations since it contains the internal regulations that must govern the workplace, therefore, its drafting is a task that must be carried out in group, company, employees and labor lawyers, because it depends on him that the sanctioning procedures can be carried out on workers who fail to comply with the agreed measures and impose the corresponding sanctions.
Administrative Acts.
These Minutes must be entered before the corresponding labor authority for their validation. We advise companies in the preparation of detailed records or also known as administrative records, where it is established which are the determined behaviors or omissions that employees have had, in particular concerning possible breaches of the law, the contract and/or to the Internal Labor Regulations, since these can serve the companies to integrate the personal files of the workers, as well as, where appropriate, impose sanctions or carry out labor rescissions for just cause and these minutes with a correct wording will be of support for any legal controversy that the worker files against the company.
Conciliation with workers
We support companies with the assistance and representation in the conciliatory appointments that are required, to seek to reach agreements with the workers or former workers who for any reason have filed a complaint or claim against the company.
Labor Terminations
We carry out work termination procedures advising the company from the moment of preparing the documents that legally support the process, such as agreements, settlements, or, where appropriate, resignations by the workers. We assist our clients by accompanying them at their facilities to carry out the corresponding communications to employees regarding terminations, as well as the subsequent ratification of the termination of employment before the corresponding authority.
Labor Inspections
We accompany the companies for the relief of the inspection by the competent authorities, as well as in solving the observations that may arise from said visits, which allows a correct preparation of the defense, from the moment of the annoyance.
Recruiting 'outsourcing'
At BCT Legal we provide advice so that the processes adhere to the provisions of labor, tax and other applicable laws. We provide this service when our clients require the assistance of personnel supply companies to carry out specialized activities.

We support in the review and modification of the contracts for the provision of services between the operating company and the provider, as well as in the follow-up regarding compliance with the labor and social security obligations that the service provider company must carry out.
Protocols against Discrimination, Violence and Harassment
At BCT Legal we support this work, which is one of the obligations of all employers in Mexico, is to implement a Protocol to prevent discrimination based on gender and attention to violence and sexual harassment or harassment, as well as eradicate the child labor.
Audits to our clients
To prevent this, we carry out labor audits to our clients to corroborate the due compliance with labor regulations regarding general working conditions, as well as regarding training and education, safety, hygiene and environmental measures in the workplace, For the company to periodically verify that it has current, complete and correct files of its workers, as well as practices that prove due compliance with laws, regulations and standards and to check that everything is updated to the applicable legality of the moment in which concerned.
Our legal team with the vast experience we have, provides legal support for the defense of our clients, either collectively or individually.
Social Security
We provide legal support for companies regarding compliance with the social security regulations of their workers, such as issues related to the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), with the Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores (INFONAVIT), as well as pensions and retirements.
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum.
+52 (444) 870 42 29
Avenida Sierra Leona 360, piso 9, Villantigua, C.P. 78214, San Luis Potosí; S.L.P.
Avenida Paseo Monte Miranda 17, Fracc. Monte Miranda, C.P. 76240, El Marqués, Qro.
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